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Zhongnan fireworks, blooming for important moments





Liuyang Fireworks Safety Production Warning Education Conference Held

At present, it is a critical period for fireworks enterprises to resume production in an orderly manner. On the morning of September 4, the Liuyang City Fireworks and Firecrackers Safety Production Warning Education Conference was held to re-mobilize and redeploy the city's fireworks and firecrackers safety production and "anti-illegal" work. Wang Xiongwen, deputy secretary of the Liuyang Municipal CPC Committee and mayor, demanded that we should learn from the case and conscientiously learn lessons; promote reform with the case, comprehensively carry out investigation and rectification; use case security to effectively improve intrinsic safety, and ensure the high-quality development of the industry with high-level security.
Liuyang City leaders Feng Saijun, Li Xiang, Liu Laihong, Liu Yibin attended.
The meeting notified the handling of a case of illegal storage of fireworks and firecrackers, conveyed the spirit of the Provincial Safety Committee's "Eight Hard Measures to Severely Cracking Down on Illegal Production of Fireworks and Firecrackers" document, and the city's fireworks and firecrackers field in the next stage of "fighting illegal violations" and safe production Comprehensive arrangements and deployment were made.
Wang Xiongwen stressed that we should learn from the case. Safety in production is a bottom-line work that cannot be lost. The whole city must learn lessons deeply, draw inferences from one another, and keep the alarm bells ringing, and earnestly realize that it is necessary to take risks, violate laws and laws, formalism, bureaucracy, slack thinking, and irresponsibility., Identify the shortcomings and weaknesses of the safe production of fireworks and firecrackers, play the initiative, play the first move, make good use of the "six maps" and live safety production, resolutely implement the three hard measures ", continuously improve the safety production management level and effectiveness.
We need to change the case. Risks and hidden dangers are around us. We must be really vigilant. We must not be indifferent or indifferent to life. Production companies, operating companies, and transportation and logistics companies must implement their main responsibilities and operate legally and in compliance with regulations; relevant law enforcement agencies and territories must implement regulatory responsibilities and improve the effectiveness of supervision and law enforcement., To verify and respond to the problems reported by the masses. If we really implement it, if we do not implement the work of production safety, we will fail, and if we do not implement it, we will have an accident. We should thoroughly study the new situation and new problems, and thoroughly investigate illegal and illegal acts such as production, sales, transportation, storage, delivery, discharge, and so on. to achieve detection, shut down, and deal with one batch. To really rectify, carry out a comprehensive investigation throughout the city, and carry out closed-loop management of hidden dangers and problems found to ensure timely rectification and reform.
To the case security. Enterprises and business units should strengthen their work force, increase funding, strengthen publicity and education, speed up the rectification of hidden dangers, and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the industry with the improvement of the intrinsic safety of enterprises. The public security department took the lead to continue to carry out the thunder operation of "cracking down on illegal violations" throughout the city, extensively soliciting clues, honoring reporting rewards, ensuring momentum, influence, and safety, and forming a high-pressure situation of "cracking down on illegal violations. Party members and cadres who neglect their duties and dereliction of duty should be held accountable and dealt with strictly.
Finally, Wang Xiongwen hopes that the whole city will further enhance the sense of urgency, responsibility, and mission from this warning education, and earnestly do a good job in the safe production of fireworks and firecrackers to ensure the overall safety and stability of the society.