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Zhongnan fireworks, blooming for important moments





Liuyang Fireworks Enters "China in Intangible Cultural Heritage" and boards the hot search of 14 cities in the same city!

Recently, the large-scale cultural program "China Hunan in Intangible Cultural Heritage" of China Central Radio and Television was broadcast on CCTV Comprehensive Channel (CCTV-1). The program went to Chenzhou, Hunan Province, showing Hunan's beautiful and colorful intangible cultural heritage projects. Among them, Changsha has Liuyang fireworks making skills, traditional snacks of fire palace, flower drum opera and Hunan embroidery. In the program "China Hunan in Intangible Cultural Heritage", the host Long Yang of the main station and the guests Shan Jixiang, Du Jiang and Liuyang fireworks production skills national inheritors Zhong Ziqi and Zhong Juan, general manager of Dongxin Fireworks Group, experienced the fun environmental protection fireworks together and watched their production skills.
"Liuyang is worthy of the hometown of fireworks in the world. The fireworks produced are low-temperature and environmentally friendly." After the program was broadcast, Liuyang fireworks production skills also "exploded" the network, in one fell swoop on the same city hot search in 14 cities.


Zhong Ziqi (left) introduces Liuyang fireworks making skills to the host and guests. Dongxin Fireworks for map
Fireworks are being made by "Liuyang"
Transformation to "Liuyang Smart Building"
Fire trees and silver flowers never night, thousands of lights and laughter spread.
With the appearance of a gorgeous "fairy stick" holding fireworks, the host Long Yang was the first to be attracted. This way of "fighting fireworks" immediately filled the atmosphere.
"World fireworks look at China, Chinese fireworks look at Liuyang." As a shining business card showing the charm of Chinese traditional culture, the beautiful and colorful Liuyang fireworks have shown their elegant demeanor on many important occasions such as the National Day ceremony, the Olympic Games and the Winter Olympic Games, interpreting the reputation of "Liuyang fireworks" perfectly.
"Started in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty." Fireworks have a history of more than a thousand years in Liuyang, and their production skills have been handed down from generation to generation. With the development of modern science and technology, Liuyang fireworks industry has realized the "three revolutions" of materials, technology and environmental protection ".
At the scene, Zhong Juan, the innovation promoter of Liuyang fireworks and general manager of Dongxin fireworks group, led the host and guests to the fireworks test site. Guest Shan Jixiang was very curious about how to test fireworks. Seeing this, Zhong Juan became a commentator and explained that the production principle of low-temperature fireworks is made by mixing metal powders with extremely low ignition point according to a certain proportion: "The average ignition point of fireworks is 800 ℃-1200 ℃, and the temperature at the outlet of low-temperature fireworks can reach 600 ℃-800 ℃, it uses a certain aerodynamic effect to make the gunpowder in the fireworks burn relatively slowly, producing a large amount of gas to quickly dissipate heat, and the outside of the low-temperature fireworks is only 30 ℃ to 50 ℃... It is characterized by smaller smoke and more environmentally friendly."
Listening to Zhong Juan's introduction, the host Long Yang was very surprised, while Shan Jixiang and Du Jiang said they wanted to feel it with their own hands. As the spark of silver ignited, the two men were excited like children. In order to make the three feel more intuitive, Zhong Juan took them to the display stand to learn about the characteristics of several metal powders used to make fireworks, and conducted experiments on the spot.
"At that time, I was there to celebrate the centennial ceremony of the founding of the party, the great journey. I will never forget the 100000 fireworks (the shock)." Everyone is very interested in how fireworks are made, and Long Yang is still very excited in retrospect. When Shan Jixiang knew that these fireworks were all from Liuyang, he could not help nodding frequently. As the former director of the Palace Museum, he casually mentioned the epic about fireworks in a book at the end of the Yuan Dynasty and the beginning of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, he felt incredible. Under the demonstration of the technician, he watched the fireworks "dance" with the music and was amazed.
"With the progress of the times, people's requirements for the quality of life and the ecological environment are getting higher and higher, so that the ancient fireworks industry is once again rejuvenated. Liuyang has done it-that is, to take the road of safety and environmental protection. At present, fireworks enterprises have obtained more than 1,000 national patents on fireworks, raw materials, fireworks production machinery and fireworks technology, and the variety of Liuyang fireworks has also increased from more than 2000 to more than 3000. Through cooperation with some domestic universities and scientific research institutes, Liuyang fireworks have now developed a number of environmental protection and safety fireworks with high scientific and technological content, such as high altitude, orientation, positioning, smokeless, sunscape, cold light, etc, emerging consumer groups that attract fireworks......"
As a new generation of fireworks, Zhong Juan said: in Liuyang, managers from the government to the society, from enterprises to fireworks industry are constantly exploring, and gradually formed a road of scientific and technological innovation of Liuyang fireworks, which is "led by the government, guaranteed by the technical strength of colleges and universities, and taking enterprises as the main body", so as to promote the transformation of fireworks from "made in Liuyang" to "intelligent manufacturing in Liuyang.
intangible cultural heritage empowerment
Liuyang fireworks seamless docking cultural travel new life
From gunpowder to fireworks, and then to fireworks full of science and technology, all the beauty is inseparable from innovation, let alone inheritance. From the full screen of admiration, the host and guests met Zhong Ziqi, the national inheritor of Liuyang fireworks making skills. Perhaps because of their similar ages, Shan Jixiang and Zhong Ziqi soon found a common topic-the scene of fireworks during the New Year when they were children. At the scene, Zhong Ziqi also invited the host and guests to experience the "continuous introduction" process in a fireworks production technique.
From the single kick, the monkey to the endless variety of fireworks, Zhong Ziqi, who has been dealing with fireworks all his life, has not only inherited the craftsmanship of his ancestors, but also become the docking of the traditional skills of fireworks and modern microelectronics technology.
With high-quality products and exquisite discharge technology, he led Dongxin fireworks to successively obtain discharge qualifications for important national occasions such as the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the national day in 2009, the 2010 Shanghai world expo, the 2010 Guangzhou Asian games, the 2014 Beijing APEC summit, the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the national day in 2019, the celebration of the 100 anniversary of the founding of the party in 2021, the opening and the opening and the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing winter paralympic games in the 2022, let the world witness the "world fireworks to see Liuyang" worthy of the name.
"Liuyang fireworks can be entered into the national intangible cultural heritage and can be on the CCTV stage, which is closely related to Liuyang's measures to increase the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage in recent years." In 2009, Dongxin Fireworks Group was rated as a national intangible cultural heritage Liuyang fireworks production skills inheritance and development base. In order to better inherit and develop the national intangible cultural heritage technique of fireworks and firecrackers, Zhong Ziqi actively led apprentices and passed on this "aerial painting" technique to the next generation.
Fireworks make stars, and all wishes are true. Speaking of Liuyang fireworks, a rich industry with nearly 300000 employees, with an annual output value of more than 300 billion, Zhong Ziqi's face was full of pride and pride. In recent years, Liuyang has accelerated the supply-side structural reform of the fireworks industry, effectively realized industrial transformation and upgrading, and promoted the transformation of the fireworks industry to standardization, specialization, life-oriented and intelligent. It is worth mentioning that Liuyang fireworks have changed people's inherent impression. In the past, they mostly appeared in situations such as red and white events or Chinese New Year holidays. Now, it has been integrated with the cultural travel, seamless docking into people's lives.
Ancient fireworks is the crystallization of skills, modern fireworks is the collision of traditional technology and modern science and technology. While the audience felt the unique Huxiang culture watered by the three Hunan and four waters, and witnessed the inheritance, innovation and development of Hunan's intangible cultural heritage skills in the new era, the production skills of Liuyang fireworks are amazing. Under the empowerment of the times, the infinite charm of fireworks burst out is even more amazing, which makes every Liuyang person feel very proud.
In this regard, the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Firecrackers and Fireworks Industry Development Center said: Fireworks and firecrackers, as a traditional cultural industry in Liuyang, are well-known at home and abroad. In recent years, Liuyang fireworks have helped to enhance the national cultural "soft power" and establish the image of "cultural power" by using the communication thinking and ideas in the new media era. The Liuyang fireworks industry has taken the initiative to launch some creative fireworks products, such as "Gatling", which have achieved good results. Next, Liuyang will continue to promote the cross-border integration and development of fireworks, strengthen the docking with film and television dramas and variety shows, and graft sports events. This year, Liuyang football stadium fireworks video has attracted the attention of the whole world, polished the city brand of "one river poem picture, full city fireworks", and realized the mutual integration and promotion of industry and brand.